
Our usual hours of telephone support are 9AM to 4PM, North American Eastern Time. If you reach our voicemail, please leave a message including your name, number, and email address and we will return your call as soon as possible.

P: 1.855.260.1680

418 Eglinton Avenue West, Unit 202
Toronto, ON, M5N 1A2


Veribook is an online appointment booking system that integrates with OSCAR EMR and enables medical clinics, physicians, and medical offices to easily schedule patient appointments and bookings.

Identifying Late Cancellations

Identifying Late Cancellations

Problem: Some clinics would like to know which patients cancelled after the cancellation and rescheduling deadline (discussed here).

Discussion: Assuming your account is configured to permit patients to cancel or reschedule after the deadline, every such appointment will be tagged with a late cancellation option (see the screenshot below) when viewed within Veribook.

Our recommendation is to

  1. periodically access your list of appointments within Veribook
  2. use the filter feature to identify late cancelled appointments review using the "All" view.
  3. once a particular late cancelled appointment has been handled per your internal protocols, tag that appointment (e.g. with the confirmed tag) to make clear that it has been handled.

If this approach is not desired, it is also an option to prevent patients from cancelling or rescheduling after the deadline altogether. In general, we do not recommend this approach as we find, on balance, allowing patients to cancel online after the deadline enables other patients to schedule into the just cancelled timeslot, as opposed to leaving it empty / no-show if the patient is not able to reach the clinic.

